智利威廉哥儿William Cole Carmenere Reserve 2003 特级红酒
2012-01-16 13:22来源 :中国作者 :阿KEN
在先听小弟说废话以前,请先看看下面的专业评酒师对智利William Cole Carmenere Reserve 2003特级红酒的评语: The colour shows youthfulness with the right hue for a 3 year old; the nose exhibits warmth, and a spicy earthiness – tropical warm climate, ripe bramberry/mulberry fruit on the nose. The touch of floral adds a little exoticness. Very ripe raspberry/red stone fruit preserve on the palate, intense enough to match the high alcoholic strength; echoes the nose of spicy earthiness on the palate with some youthful but non-offensive tannins. Holds well in the mid palate; though not a wine of finesse, good for drinking with food especially red meat, stews, etc. 看罢便可以轻轻松松的阅读小弟的见解和感觉!
这酒经过酒厂精心挑选后酿出特级的Carmenere卡曼妞葡萄,加上2003年的热温下,本来与Merlot很类近的Carmenere也变得像女强人一样,活像德国的Tough Lady。但开瓶后让这位“迷人的Tough Lady”抒发了“小姐脾气”便能目睹她的风采。 她的紫罗兰般结实酒色光芒四射,明显的草莓,南瓜,蓝莓等果香味强而有力的霸占鼻子,果仁和杏脯肉香韵弥漫于味蕾周边,单宁和酒体异常地顺滑轻盈,后味层次分明,带著点滴的薰衣草味道,一点都不干燥,清新怡人。 甜姐儿们,以上英中文“专业与业余并重”的评语能令你们心动吗?何时去买一瓶来试试啊?