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年份:2010 等级:AOC 酒精度: 14%

2011-06-23 17:53:47| 分类: 法国 | 标签:罗纳河谷 rhone 隆河谷 教皇新堡 |举报|字号 订阅
罗纳河是一条孕育葡萄酒的河谷,从瑞士法国边境的日内瓦湖Geneve流入法国境内,途中经过萨瓦区,罗纳河谷,最后注入地中海。隆河谷(vallée du Rhone)产区面积辽阔,从里昂(Lyon)附近的维埃纳市vienne起历经各种类型的地貌风光和产地,南到阿维翁(Avignon)市呈条状分布,长约200公里。这里的葡萄园面积达8万公顷,因气候和土壤条件不同,又可分成北部和南部两大区域。其中以瓦伦斯valence为界。罗纳河谷出产的红葡萄酒占了90%,白葡萄酒占据4%。

隆河谷也被称为罗纳河谷,北罗纳河谷盛产西拉单一品种的红葡萄酒。这边受到勃艮第酿造葡萄酒文化的影响,白葡萄酒这里有维欧尼,胡珊(少见),马珊等品种。南罗纳河谷主要是来自西班牙的歌海娜,佳丽酿等红色品种。其中歌海娜还可以被酿造成天然甜葡萄酒VDN。佳丽酿则是更多的一些老树葡萄酒。这里还有幕尔伟德,神索葡萄。白葡萄品种当地包括白歌海娜和Clairette 克莱雷 和bourboulenc 布尔布兰,白玉霓,玫瑰香等品种。
隆河谷地区产地的酒质量参差不齐。在同一个AOC产地命名里,出色的和平庸的酒庄同时并存着。要注意以地区(比如Cotes du Rhone,Saint-Joseph 或者Chateauneuf-du-Pape)命名的酒,因为它们中好的甚好,差的极差。罗纳河谷产区的葡萄酒丰富多彩,其红葡萄酒以口感浓郁、略带辛辣为主要特征。罗讷河谷的葡萄酒很少使用新橡木桶,而且放置在橡木桶内的时间也很短。罗纳河谷的人认为他们的葡萄酒天生丽质,不需要橡木味的多余点缀。当地很喜欢用水泥罐储存葡萄酒。这个有利于葡萄酒的散热问题。
北罗纳地区与波尔多地区处于同纬度位置,只是更加靠东属于法国内陆,具备典型的大陆性气候,秋天葡萄采收季节的气温较低,所以倾向于种植早熟的葡萄品种。北罗纳地区与勃艮第产区接壤,因此它与勃艮第酒相似,以单一品种葡萄酒或二至三种葡萄调配酒为主。北区的种植面积较小,种植的葡萄主要位于隆河(le Rhone)沿岸,干而冷的北风加速葡萄成熟。葡萄园多在陡峭的河岸山坡上,形如梯田。这里种植面积大约3200多公顷远不及南隆河谷的75781公顷。
南罗纳地区沐浴在地中海的阳光和海风之下,雨量充沛 。和普罗旺斯一样,这里的冬季常有寒冷干燥的米斯特拉风Mistral。这里的地貌则非常多样:从钙质沙地到卵石地,从阶梯,平原到高原都有。由于气候更为温暖,秋天收获季节的高温保留了更多的糖分和更高的成熟度,但单一葡萄很难有均衡的表现,因此该产区的葡萄酒都是由多种葡萄混合调配酿造的。世界上酒精度最高的葡萄酒就该地区,高达16.2度。这主要归因于其南部独特的鹅卵石地貌,鹅卵石白天吸收太阳阳光热量,夜晚再散发给葡萄树,使葡萄更加成熟,酒精度高。
教皇新堡(AOC Chateauneuf-du-Pape),法国第一个葡萄酒原产地命名,位于罗纳河谷产区的南部,与吉恭达斯(Gigondas),瓦奇哈斯(Vacqueyras)并列为南罗纳河谷3大顶级产区,并排在首位。教皇新堡有充足的阳光,布满鹅卵石的独特红色黏土的土壤结构使葡萄可以非常好的成熟,所以类似于波尔多或勃艮第较冷产区的加糖行为在这里是被法律所禁止的。教皇新堡酿造的红葡萄酒,有着罗纳河谷红酒的共性,那就是色香兼具,非常浓郁。并且更出色的是它自己本身复杂多变的酒香。教皇新堡酿造的葡萄酒,用的玻璃瓶子上面都印有一个共同标识,即两把交叉的钥匙和一个教皇冠(不是都有)。这里的酒大多都有陈年能力。

北罗纳基本不出cote du Rhone这类的酒,绝大部分都是crus du Rhone,也就是最高等级。首先一般意义上来讲的cote du Rhone 都是南罗纳产区,但是这里又区分为3个等级。
最初级就是刚才说过的cote du Rhone,也就是说瓶子上都只会泛泛的只写cote du Rhone•••加品牌名。

第二等级:名字是cote du Rhone village就是罗纳河谷村庄级别酒。罗纳河谷产区内的95个村庄所产的葡萄酒,质量高于基本级AOC,可以称为罗纳河谷村庄级AOC,即Cotes du Rhone Villages。一共有18个严格符合隆河谷大区生产规则要求的村庄能够冠上这个命名加上村庄名字。 允许写单独的村庄cote du rhone village+具体村庄名。

最高的等级是 crus du Rhone的村庄名北罗纳8个,南罗纳6个。罗纳河谷的酒基本上100%都是AOC。
• C?te-R?tie AOC - reds of Syrah and up to 20% Viognier.
• Condrieu AOC - whites of Viognier only.
• Ch?teau-Grillet AOC - whites of Viognier.
• Saint-Joseph AOC - reds of Syrah and up to 10% Marsanne and Roussanne; whites of only Marsanne and Roussanne.
• Crozes-Hermitage AOC - reds of Syrah and up to 15% Marsanne and Roussanne; whites of only Marsanne and Roussanne.
• Hermitage AOC - reds of Syrah and up to 15% Marsanne and Roussanne; whites of only Marsanne and Roussanne.
• Cornas AOC - reds of Syrah only.
• Saint-Péray AOC - sparkling and still whites of only Marsanne and Roussanne.
1。Cote-Rotie AOC - reds of Syrah and up to 20% Viognier.


2。Condrieu AOC - whites of Viognier维欧尼.


3。Chateeau Grillet make white wine 大约3.4公顷的格里耶庄园同样只生产维欧尼
4。Saint-Joseph AOC Syrah up to 10% Marsanne and Roussanne; whites of only Marsanne and Roussanne.
5。Crozes-Hermitage AOC -Syrah up to 15% Marsanne and Roussanne; whites of only Marsanne and Roussanne.
6。Hermitage AOC - reds of Syrah and up to 15% Marsanne and Roussanne; whites of only Marsanne and Roussanne.
7。Cornas AOC - reds of Syrah only.
8。Saint-Péray AOC - sparkling and still whites of only Marsanne and Roussanne.80%的起泡酒

属于crus du Rhone 的南罗纳产区:

Vacqueyras AOC 当地红白桃红类型的酒都有生产,主要生产红酒与gigondas类型相似。
Gigondas AOC
Beaumes de Venise AOC
Tavel AOC 单生产桃红酒 歌海娜,神索为主。
Lirac AOC 红酒为主 少量桃红和白葡萄酒

1. Costières de N?mes 的前身是 Costières du Gard,是一个VDQS
2. Costières du Gard在1986年升级到了AOC
3. Costières du Gard在1989年改名为Costières de N?mes
4. INAO的1998年7月8日的文档,Costières de N?mes归在Languedoc-Roussillon
5. 1998年,Costières de N?mes当地的红酒协会向INAO申请提出希望把Costières de N?mes归到Rh?ne valley,因为其酒的风格同Rh?ne valley更接近。
6. INAO的2004年7月19日的文档,Costières de N?mes归到了Rh?ne valley。而离Rh?ne valley更近的在Costières de N?mes东边的Clairette de Bellegarde仍然留在了Languedoc-Roussillon

罗纳河谷产区一览 Rhone Wine Guide
I've always viewed the Rhone as consisting of two fairly distinct viticultural regions. To the north Syrah is the dominant grape, whereas to the south it frequently plays second fiddle to other varieties, such as Grenache or Mourvèdre. Separating north from south is a large expanse of land, where vineyards are few and far between.

Northern Rhone
The relatively small appellations of the north produce less wine than those of the south, but they are equally famous if not more so. The most northerly is C?te R?tie (the "roasted slope"), which produces fine wine from the Syrah grape, sometimes with a small percentage of Viognier blended in to add an extra dimension ()to the wine. The slopes on which the grapes for these wines are grown are precipitous, vertigo-inducing affairs, but the wines are so fine that the vignerons will always persist here despite the difficult conditions. This pleases me immensely - I think C?te R?tie can be the finest wine of the Rhone Valley. They are certainly wines for the long haul - from a good vintage many will be at their best when fifteen or twenty years old.
My top wines: Many would say Guigal's single vineyard cuvées, La Landonne, La Mouline and La Turque, but these are prohibitively expensive. Good value can be found with Ogier, Burgaud, Barge and Jasmin. Négociant efforts from Guigal and Delas can also give pleasure.
Just south of C?te R?tie we find Condrieu, and here the colour changes from red to white. This is a wine made solely from the Viognier grape, a lovely variety, which is also used to add interest to C?te R?tie. This, in my opinion, is the Rh?ne's finest white wine. At its best it is heady and intense, but it maintains balance, with fresh acidity and sensible alcohol - this latter characteristic being the point on which all New World Viognier wines disappoint me - they can be intense, but generally have excessive, mouth-searing alcohol. Unlike many wines of the Rh?ne, Condrieu is best enjoyed young - within a few years of bottling.
My top wines: Les Chaillets from Cuilleron and Coteau du Chéry from Perret are the best wines. Guigal's oaked La Doriane isn't cheap but their négociant bottling is good and widely available.
My top wines: Les Chaillets from Cuilleron and Coteau du Chéry from Perret are the best wines. Guigal's oaked La Doriane isn't cheap but their négociant bottling is good and widely available.
Ch?teau Grillet is the next appellation, one of the smallest (but not the smallest) appellations in France. This is a single domaine with its own appellation, and the wine produced is essentially Condrieu (100% Viognier), but of a lesser quality and a higher price tag. I stick with Condrieu.
St-Joseph is one of the less significant appellations of the Northern Rh?ne, but there are some excellent wines produced here, and they can be good value. This appellation produces red (Syrah) and white (Marsanne and Rousanne) wines. The reds are the more interesting.
My top wines: Jaboulet Le Grand Pompée.
Like St-Joseph, Crozes-Hermitage produces wine for relatively early consumption, perhaps within a decade of the vintage, although some can certainly last much longer than this. It is another source of value wines.
My top wines: My two favourites are Graillot La Guiraude and Jaboulet Domaine de Thalabert. The Louis Belle cuvée from Albert Belle is also very good. The Les Grisières cuvée from Andre Perretprovides excellent value for money.
My top wines: My two favourites are Graillot La Guiraude and Jaboulet Domaine de Thalabert. The Louis Belle cuvée from Albert Belle is also very good. The Les Grisières cuvée from Andre Perretprovides excellent value for money.
After C?te R?tie, Hermitage is the other truly great red wine of the Northern Rh?ne. Amazingly, there was a time when red Hermitage was frequently used to bolster thinner wines from Bordeaux or Burgundy, a practice that nowadays is wholely illegal. Hermitage now has a fine reputation of its own, and accordingly it commands a price similar to many of the wines which it was once used to doctor. Unlike C?te R?tie, Hermitage may also be white, and unlike Condrieu, white Hermitage is made from Marsanne and Rousanne, and may age well for years. Red Hermitage is generally 100% Syrah, although appellation laws do in fact allow for the blending in of some white grapes.
My top wines: JL Chave, Jaboulet La Chapelle (off-form in recent vintages, admittedly), Marc Sorrel's Le Gréal cuvée as well as his regular bottling, Faurie's Le Méal cuvée and regular bottling,Chapoutier make a number of excellent red and white cuvées, also Albert Belle. All command a considerable price, particularly the special cuvées. There are many other producers worth trying. DelasMarquis de Tourette can be excellent, whilst the Les Bessards cuvee is closer to outstanding.
Cornas is another favourite appellation of mine, not least because some great Rh?ne wines can be had at some very fair prices. They are red wines made from 100% Syrah, and they can be impenetrably dark and intensely, richly flavoured.
My top wines: Undoubtedly the wines of Noel Verset and Thierry Allemand, but also Alain Voge and Augustus Clape. Those of Jean Luc Colombo are also excellent, although in a different style.
Finally, St Péray, a small appellation producing some unexciting still white wines, but also some quite reasonable sparkling wines, both made from Marsanne and Rousanne. I have fond memories of chilling a bottle of Chaboud St-Péray in a tributary of the Rh?ne, when exploring the Valley in 1997.
My top wines: Chaboud.

Southern Rhone
In the south Syrah makes way for a more varied selection of grape varieties, with Grenache leading the pack. There are some more famous names here, particularly Ch?teauneuf du Pape, although I'm glad to say only a few top wines command the prices that we see in the north.
Undoubtedly the lead appellation of the Southern Rh?ne, Chateauneuf du Pape is named for the papal palace that was once situated in the centre of the town. This was essentially a summer home for the Pope, who in the 14th century was based in nearby Avignon. The palace survived until the 1940's, when it was destroyed in the Second World War. The imposing ruins exist to this day, standing tall over the rest of the town. Ch?teauneuf du Pape is also famous for being the home of Baron Le Roy, owner of Ch?teau Fortia, and founder of the appellation contr?lée system which defines much of the vineyard areas in France. The red wine itself may be a blend of up to thirteen different grape varieties, although in practice many of the top wines use only three or four. Most Ch?teauneuf du Pape is red, but a small percentage is white, although this is of less interest. The red can be a fine and yet often very affordable wine.
My top wines: There are a large number of good producers here, but my favourites includeBeaucastel, Vieux Télégraphe, Pégau, Font de Michelle, Clos des Papes, de la Nerthe, Roger Sabon,Fortia and Bosquet des Papes among others.
Gigondas is probably the next most well known appellation of the south. Grenache dominates here. The best wines are full bodied, rich and laden with sweet fruit.
My top wines: Les Hauts de Montmirail from Brusset, Domaine de Cayron and Domaine Santa Duc.Domaine les Pallières and Saint Cosme are also excellent.
Vacqueyras is a lesser appellation, legally defined in 1990. It produces mainly red wines, with a small amount of white and rosé. The reds are dominated by Grenache. There are no stunning producers here, but it can be a source of affordable wines.
My top wines: Clos des Cazaux, Jaboulet.
On the west bank of the Rhone is Lirac which, like Vacqueyras, produces red, white and rosé. Again, this is a sources of value rather than fine wines.
My top wines: Domaine de la Mordorée.
Nearby is Tavel, an unusual appellation in that it is the only one in France to permit only rosé wines - any red or white wine produced here cannot legally be labelled as Tavel. Tavel does not have a great following, but as rosé wines go these are pretty good. They are produced from a number of different varieties, but again Grenache dominates. As with all rosés, the wines are best drunk young, within a few years of bottling.
My top wines: There are no great wines here, but I have found those from Ch?teau de Trinquevedel and Domain de la Forcadière to be good.
Finally, the village of Beaumes-de-Venise has become renowned for a sweet wine, Muscat de Beaumes-de-Venise. This is an inexpensive and sometimes good value dessert wine. Red or white wines produced under this appellation are sold as C?tes du Rh?ne Villages.
My top wines: Jaboulet.

Other Rhone Wines
Other than St-Péray, there is one other sparkling wine produced in the Rh?ne Valley that is worth mentioning, this being from the appellation of Clairette de Die. The vineyards are sited somewhat east of the central part of the valley, and are quite isolated from any other of the Rh?ne vineyards. The wine is made from Clairette, sometimes with the addition of Muscat.
My top wines: It's a long time since I've tasted any, but the the Clairette de Die Tradition from the local co-operative was always good value.
Large swathes of vineyards in the Southern Rh?ne produce wine which can be sold under the appellations of Coteaux du Tricastin and C?tes du Ventoux. They may be red, white or rosé.
My top wines: No great wines here, but from the former Domaine de Grangeneuve is good, and from the latter La Vieille Ferme, which is produced by the Perrin brothers of Ch?teau de Beaucastel, is also good.
Lastly throughout the Rh?ne Valley wines are produced that may be sold as C?tes du Rh?ne and C?tes du Rh?ne Villages. Again, these may be red, white or rosé.
My top wines: Coudoulet de Beaucastel, from the Perrin brothers again, Domaine Ste Anne andDomaine Les Aphillanthes are very good.

The Rh?ne Valley has been fortunate with a recent run of good vintages in 2000, 1999 (north better), and 1998. 2001 was excellent in the south, whereas floods ruined the 2002 vintage.
Other good vintages include, for the north, 1995, 1994, 1991 (C?te R?tie and Cornas only), 1990, 1989, 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985, 1983, 1982, 1980 and 1978.
For the south, 1995, 1994, 1990, 1989, 1988, 1985 and 1978.




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