SMWA威士忌国际认证 课程简介

地点 : 广东-广州市
时间 : 2017年11月30日09时00分 至 2017年12月03日18时00分
发布 : 总管理员 时间 : 2017年11月10日 16时21分
浏览数 : 11354


《SMWA威士忌国际认证》,为英国专业的国际威士忌认证课程。不仅提供传统的苏格兰威士忌知识,更新添了爱尔兰、日本,美国和加拿大,甚至英格兰和台湾等新兴产区内容。该课程是由英国SMWA(Single Malt Whisky Academy)(单一麦芽威士忌学院)授权开设的威士忌认证课程。课程希望给威士忌爱好者及从业者带来最专业的行业知识及信息,以及多维度有趣的威士忌品鉴体验。

The SMWA (Single Malt Whisky Academy) Certificate is the professional International Whisky Certificate Course of the UK. The course is certified by the SMWA (Single Malt Whisky Academy). It not only provides traditional Scotch Whisky knowledge, but also explores new whisky regions of the world, such as Irish, Japanese, American, Canada,  and even England and Taiwan. SMWA hopes the course will bring professional knowledge of whisky and news to enthusiasts and those in the field, as well as provide appealing whisky-tasting experiences in different ways.
Grandgle Education is the sole agent of the SMWA (Single Malt Whisky Academy) Certificate in China. In 2017, there have been 20 classes in Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Taipei, Shenzhen, Beijing, Xiamen, Xi’an, Wenzhou, Hangzhou, Shantou, Zhanjiang, Changsha, Qingdao, Harbin, and more.
1. 威士忌的起源 History of whisky
2. 世界知名烈酒 Spirits  of the world
3. 威士忌的定义&分类 The definition of whisky
4. 威士忌的生产流程 Manufacturing process
5. 苏格兰威士忌六大产区 Scotch whiskies
6. 影响苏格兰威士忌风格的要素 Factors affecting whisky style
7. 威士忌不为人知的秘密-蒸馏器 The secrets of whisky - Stills
8. 不可不知的橡木桶知识 Oak barrels
9. 阅读威士忌的酒标 Understanding the label
10. 威士忌的香气类型 Aromas of whisky
11. 全球威士忌的主要产地 Worldwide whiskies
12. 威士忌与食物 Whisky and food
13.威士忌与投资收藏 Whisky investment
14. 威士忌品鉴技巧 Tasting Skills
15. 享受威士忌的1001种方法1001 ways to enjoy whiskies
【课程用酒】Whiskies Tasted:
The top 12 whiskies of the world will be tasted in the course for students to experience the charm of whisky from Scotland and the world.
The exam includes 50 multiple choices.
Students will receive their certificate approximately 4 weeks after they pass the examination.
50% -69%, 及格PASS
70% - 89%, 良好MERIT
90% - 100%, 优秀DISTINCTION



