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Bremerton Tamblyn Cabernet Shiraz Merlot Malbec


参考价 :  运费:包邮

  • 年份 : 2004
  • 等级 : 
  • 产地 : 澳大利亚-南澳州
  • 净含量 : 750 ml
  • 类型 : 红葡萄酒
  • 酒精度 : 14.5 度
  • 含糖量 : 干型
  • 瓶塞 : 原木
  • 酒庄 : 布雷默顿酒庄 Bremerton Wines
  • 葡萄品种 : Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠,Malbec 马尔贝克,Merlot 美乐,Syrah(Shiraz)西拉
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Bremerton Tamblyn

Cabernet Shiraz Merlot Malbec



Langhorne Creek, just 70km South East of Adelaide, produces some of the finest fruit in Australia. That’s why Craig and Mignonne Wilson chose to make their home here in 1985. Together with youngest daughter Lucy (Marketing Manager) and eldest daughter Rebecca (Winemaker), it truly is a family affair.

Bremerton was awarded with 161 medals in the first six years. In 2001 Rebecca was named in the top five winemakers by “Winestate Magazine” and The Wine Society” Young Winemaker of the year”. 

The family name Tamblyn is in recognition of their grandmother’s ancestors who migrated to Australia from Cornwall, England. 

朗豪湾距于澳洲亚德雷德东南面 70 公里,能种植出澳洲最优秀的葡萄。为此,佳尔伟迅与妻子马哥尼在 1985 年带着幼女鲁思(现在的市场经理) 及长女丽贝卡(现在的酿酒师) 选择在这里建造他们的家。这个是真正的家族事业。柏明顿于最初的6个年头就拿了161个奖项,丽贝卡于2001年被 “葡萄酒国家” 杂志选为5大酿酒师之一,及”葡萄酒社会” 同年度最佳年青酿酒师。


The four outstanding red grape varieties all grown in Langhorne Creek have been blended to provide us with a generous and well balanced wine showing lifted violet and spicy aromas, rich mouth filling dark fruits fruit, complementing soft well integrated tannins and a flavorsome savoury lingering finish.

种植于朗豪湾的 4 种出众的葡萄品种勾兑出丰富而平衡的酒,提升出紫罗兰及香料香,令口中充满黑果子香,配合柔和细腻的单宁及鲜香悠长的回味。

Robert Parker’s The Wine Advocate 90 Points

2004 Tamblyn is a streamlined, elegant effort displaying surprisingly deep flavors, a beautiful texture, and sweet notes of toasty oak interwoven with black currants, spice box, and cherry liqueur. Enjoy it over the next 4-5 years.

罗拔柏家 -葡萄酒倡导者杂志 90

2004 泰灵是经过苦心优化的成果,令人意外的深厚,漂亮的结构,细甜的橡木烘烤融会黑加伦子,香料箱,樱桃酒香,可于未来45年陈熟享用.

名     称: 柏明顿泰灵干红葡萄酒

年     份:2004

产     区:澳洲  朗豪湾
类     型:干红
单    价: RMB   320.00/

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